Propolis drops

Alcohol-water tincture of propolis. Proportion of propolis in solution 48 % ( possible deviations +- 10 % ). Propolis in alcohol-water tincture is of environmental origin.

Instructions of use PROPOLIS DROPS: thrice daily with five drops diluted in a little water, honey or sugar.

Reference: A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet.

If used regularly propolis helps to strengthen the defense capability oft he immune system.

Its activity is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Contributes to the body`s resistance to colds and flu. Helps fight purulent inflammation on and in the mouth, restoring gastric mucosa. Achieves remarkable results in fungal infections, viral warts, acne, burns, swelling, ulcers, toothache, paradentosis, gastritis, sore throat.

5.60 8.90 

Alcohol-water tincture of propolis. Proportion of propolis in solution 48 % ( possible deviations +- 10 % ). Propolis in alcohol-water tincture is of environmental origin.

Instructions of use PROPOLIS DROPS: thrice daily with five drops diluted in a little water, honey or sugar.

Reference: A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet.

If used regularly propolis helps to strengthen the defense capability oft he immune system.

Its activity is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Contributes to the body`s resistance to colds and flu. Helps fight purulent inflammation on and in the mouth, restoring gastric mucosa. Achieves remarkable results in fungal infections, viral warts, acne, burns, swelling, ulcers, toothache, paradentosis, gastritis, sore throat.