Pollen – flower powder

Dried pollen- in natural form- granular or ground.

Instructions of use: 1 portion/day ( 5 g or 1 tee spoon). It is recommended to soake it in milk, yoghurt or water before consuming.

Reference: The recommended daily doses should not be exceeded.

A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet.

Each pollen grain contains the biological unity necessary for life. We will hardly find in the wildlife a product in which all natural ingredients are as complete and balanced as they are in pollen! That is why it is called – a spark of life –

Pollen with its composition helps fight anemia, indigestion, urinary tract infection, poor circulation, regulation of appetite. Helps in restoration of the gastric and intestinal flora and normalizes the work of the stomach.

6.60 18.50 

Dried pollen- in natural form- granular or ground.

Instructions of use: 1 portion/day ( 5 g or 1 tee spoon). It is recommended to soake it in milk, yoghurt or water before consuming.

Reference: The recommended daily doses should not be exceeded.

A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet.

Each pollen grain contains the biological unity necessary for life. We will hardly find in the wildlife a product in which all natural ingredients are as complete and balanced as they are in pollen! That is why it is called - a spark of life –

Pollen with its composition helps fight anemia, indigestion, urinary tract infection, poor circulation, regulation of appetite. Helps in restoration of the gastric and intestinal flora and normalizes the work of the stomach.