Cinnamon honey spread

Neto: 110g

A mixture of honey and cinnamon has been found to cure many ailments. This combination has been used as a medicine for centuries. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind and the history of honey is almost as old as humanity itself. Honey and cinnamon, if mixed, give extraordinary power of aroma and taste.

Can be consumed as a bread spread, mixed in the glass of water or simply consumed with a spoon. Helps fight anemia, high cholesterol, indigestion, urinary tract infection, skin infection, poor circulation, regulation of appetite.

Helps in restoration oft he gastric and intestinal flora and normalizes the work of the stomach, in strengthening the immunity, in the treatment of influenza and colds


A mixture of honey and cinnamon has been found to cure many ailments. This combination has been used as a medicine for centuries. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind and the history of honey is almost as old as humanity itself. Honey and cinnamon, if mixed, give extraordinary power of aroma and taste.

Can be consumed as a bread spread, mixed in the glass of water or simply consumed with a spoon. Helps fight anemia, high cholesterol, indigestion, urinary tract infection, skin infection, poor circulation, regulation of appetite.

Helps in restoration oft he gastric and intestinal flora and normalizes the work of the stomach, in strengthening the immunity, in the treatment of influenza and colds